What happened to me? Why did it happen to me? What will happen to me? Why me? Why do I exist?

                             To be or not to be?

                             These questions, while remaining unanswered, have been raised by many philosophers and thinkers, and have been pondered upon since many centuries. While some may think that we might just stumble upon the lost and last piece of this puzzle, it would be like stumbling upon a polar bear in a chicken coop.

                             Being completely honest, there is no real answer to this question. But there is an explanation for why these questions arise in our minds; unpredictable human psyche. And the fact that we are the only beings who question their own existence proves this. Have you ever seen a lion, midway of completing his deer (no offence to all deer reading this), think about why he killed it, and instead didn’t trap it in a cage, let it die of old age, and then finish off the remains? Because the lion knows, that his very existence is for the purpose of surviving and to do so he has to kill deer, and not think about what will happen to its family and human rights violation and stuff.

                             While common-minded ones like me cannot possibly think on the grounds of intelligence of people who believed that the womb was an animal and that women had less teeth, I can certainly say that by questioning their own existence they are threatening others.

                             Human thought is something that cannot be controlled; even by oneself. That is exactly why you sat down to talk about the sacrifices of valiant freedom fighters with your grandmother but ended up discussing what shade of lip gloss does Kim Jon- Kardashian use(phew! Nuclear disaster averted.). I basically mean to say that if the people are influential enough, and the victims gullible, they can easily get infected by this dangerous disease called NTBD; Neurologically Transmitted Bull-crap Disorder.

                             These victims undergo rigorous inception of crappy ideas until they eventually start thinking about stuff that humanity never thought about before; like how can one make a rocket out of Tabasco, or how much blood would one have to collect to have enough iron to make a full set of iron armor, and mind you it’s not Minecraft. Probably even to the point where they advance from theoretical study to practical application. I call this the final stage of this disorder. Because there’s no turning back for these guys at this stage, you can legally call them crazy. But they of course aren’t as they are perfectly aware of what they are doing and its consequences, am I right?

                         But , by reading articles like this, you can get saved from this highly infectious disease. Hurray!

                             I would like to conclude by saying that instead of questioning your own existence; live and let live. And when all are agreed, we’ll join the stamp-(Ah! Copyright Issues? C’mon Elton it’s been 27 years! How long before it enters public domain dude? I ain't waiting 70 years after you say goodbye!).


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